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1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

New Saint George Home Carpet

Have you just moved into a home in Saint George and love everything from the layout to the appliances, everything that is, except for the carpet? Does the carpet from the previous owners have rips, stains or signs of wearing or do you fancy the color or texture chosen for each room? If this sounds like your dilemma, don’t despair. HiCaliber of Saint George knows carpet. We know that carpet can mean everything to a room no matter the other décor chosen. If your feel the carpet in your new home is hideous, then being truly happy in that home will not come easily. Let HiCaliber clean, repair or completely replace that old carpet, leaving you with carpet just the way you like it. There are many things to consider if choosing to replace carpet. You need to decide not only on the color, but also the texture, length and the padding thickness and type. HiCaliber understand that these options may make the task of choosing new carpet for your home almost unbearable which is why with a few simple questions as to your preference and needs, we can suggest solutions to your carpet needs. Don’t wait to update and transform your new home into a place you and your family can call home, call HiCaliber for all your carpet needs at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Antonin Warhola

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