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1270 South 1900 East Washington, UT 84780

1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

Southern Utah Clean Carpet Maintenance

After finding a great deal from HiCaliber, you have fresh smelling, spot free, clean carpet in your southern Utah office and until the next cleaning, maintenance will still be needed to keep it looking great. What maintenance is required to keep your carpet as clean as possible? Proper and thorough vacuuming is needed to keep dirt and loose debris from penetrating and settling deep into the carpet fibers. A good once over with the vacuum is not good enough. To ensure that every bit of sand and dirt is lifted from the carpet, vacuuming each area repeatedly from different angles will give you better vacuuming results. Another maintenance step for keeping clean carpet spot free is cleaning spots when they happen. This can be done with a hand held carpet scrubber or proper cleaning agents and some elbow grease. You can also call HiCaliber in between cleanings to take care of carpet spots and other janitorial services needed in your southern Utah office. For more information call us at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Gilgongo

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