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1270 South 1900 East Washington, UT 84780

1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

St. George Allergies and Duct Cleaning

This season in St. George is known for its rising pollen count making it the perfect time to have duct cleaning done to improve symptoms of seasonal allergies. Staying indoors during springtime blossoming may relieve some of your outside allergies, yet many of the microscopic allergens will still find their way into your home. Mixing the air borne pollens with those indoor allergens you face year-round such as mold, pet dander, and dust mites is enough to make anyone sneeze and sniffle regardless of whether or not they step foot outside. Having your air ducts cleaned and maintained regularly and replacing filters with allergen air filters will help reduce the amount of allergens in your home. Let us at HiCaliber give your air duct system an in-depth cleaning, giving you sanctuary from the blooming world outside. Give us a call today at 435-674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Oakley Originals

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