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1270 South 1900 East Washington, UT 84780

1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

Roof Insulation

Saint George received a healthy dose of snow on rooftops this winter leaving some residents concerned about insulation. A good way to check on the insulation of your roof is to look for bare spots while your roof is covered in snow. If there is an area besides those by air vents that the snow melts faster, it may be due to poor insulation near the roof. Poor insulation can lead to heat loss during the winter months. With winter now in the past or very distant future, is there any need to worry about insulation now? Proper insulation can also help in the summer months by keeping your cooled air in your home where it belongs, and the scorching heat of the Saint George summers outside. Let HiCaliber repair or replace your roof insulation before the first heat wave hits. Call us at 435-674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Ewige

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