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1270 South 1900 East Washington, UT 84780

1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

Home Addition Remodel

If your house is busting at the seams with your growing family and upgrading to a larger house is not in your budget, consider an addition to your home and remodel it to fit your own Brady Bunch. There doesn’t need to be an extensive amount of extra land in order to add an addition to you home. Having enough space to add a small size area can increase your square footage enough to allow more elbow room. There are numerous options on what type of room to add. Adding bedrooms is an option to alleviate the shared bedroom syndrome that many siblings quarrel about. Adding bathrooms will cease that line of anxious kids waiting for their turn to shower and get ready for school. One popular idea is creating an addition for a family or playroom that your family can all enjoy and create a middle ground area that brings everyone together. Whichever you decide, by adding on a room or two, you will increase the value of your home while giving your family the room it needs to be comfortable and happy in their living environment. If it’s your home’s turn to grow, give HiCaliber a call today at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Corinna Makris

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