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1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

St. George Steps for Painting

Painting a room in your St. George home can drastically improve the look of your home, however unless you follow proper steps for painting, it may not appear professionally done. The first thing needed before you even purchase your paint is clean walls and trim. Paint will not adhere to walls that are dirty or dusty. Trying to paint a dirty wall will leave you with uneven painting and bits and pieces leftover in your paint can. Repairing nail holes comes next. If your walls appear as though they were used as a dart board, painting over these holes will not eliminate them. Spreading some joint compound mix onto the nail holes and sanding when dry will fill in all holes, leaving your walls smooth and ready to paint. As with any painting job in St. George, one of the most tedious steps is the taping. Taping all outlets, floorboards and trim will reduce paint ending up on areas that were not meant to be that color. While taping can sometimes take longer than painting itself, it is not a step to be avoided. Once taping is complete, it is finally time to paint. Many suggest starting with the ceilings first, then walls then after drying, taping again and painting the trim. If you would like assistance painting a room or your entire home, call HiCaliber of St. George today for all your painting needs at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Bev Sykes

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