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1270 South 1900 East Washington, UT 84780

1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

Water Pressure Repair in Southern Utah

Imaging taking a shower in your southern Utah home and your kids flush the toilet in another bathroom, which not only drastically reduces the water pressure but also sends scalding hot water directly to you. Or maybe you turn on the water to wash dishes and only see a small dribble of a stream because the sprinklers are on and have left you with almost no water pressure at all. Both instances could mean that you may need a to get your piping repaired or re-piped. The problem could be as small as a small block that is caused by deposits or unfortunately can also be caused by major breaks in your pipe line that is often times found as the winter months set in. If the low water pressure is caused from clogs or corrosion, call HiCaliber today to find the source of the clog, and repair or replace piping. If the water pressure variations are caused from a pipe break, it is important to get it fixed immediately before any foundation damage or structure damage occurs. For help in determining which service you need, contact HiCaliber today to schedule a home inspection at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Nicholas Liby

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