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1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

A New Beginning

Bring on 2017!

The beauty of starting a new year is getting to turn the page onto a new chapter.

New Year’s Resolutions are common, but, who says you have to start a new year to make a goal?

The majority of the population will set their goal as “lose weight” or “get fit.”  Those goals are just fine.  Especially if you accomplish them and form a healthier version of yourself.


What about goals for your Home?  After all, home is where the heart is… right?

Being organized is a great way to lessen tension and stress in a home.  By not having to rummage through things, you save yourself time and energy.  But, how do you start?


DE CLUTTER: Have you ever heard the saying “less is more.”  This could not be any more true in the home.  If you find yourself feeling crowded in your own space… chances are, you have A LOT going on.  Too much stuff on the walls can take away the open feeling of a room.  Too many decorations on top of counter tops and cabinets can be distracting.  One word….SIMPLIFY!  Rather than having things EVERYWHERE create focal points.  This will give your space more interest and less chaos.


REDUCE:  If you have “things” that just take up space, you NEED to give them up.  You can sell them in a garage sale or donate them.  If they aren’t being put to good use they are taking up valuable real estate in your home.  YOU DO NOT NEED THESE THINGS.  Tell yourself that over and over again.  Sometimes, when we see a good deal we buy it.  Not because there is space for it, but because it’s on sale.  STOP DOING THAT!  Think of your garage for example, chances are there is less space in there than when you first moved into the place.  How much is being used?  Probably less than 50%, there are local donation centers that will give you receipts and you can actually claim the donation on your taxes for a deduction.  WIN WIN!  You get your space back and a more money back come tax time.

DESIGNATED SPACE:  If everything has it’s on space, when it’s out of place it will be easy to find where it goes.  When you are need of this item, you won’t have to search for it because it’s always going to be where it should be.  Example- if you have a favorite pair of slippers (just a single pair) and you take them off in the exact same spot every night, when you wake up in the morning to let the dog out you will know where they are.  A little more planning ahead of time will save you a lot of time in the long run.


DAY PLANNER:  It doesn’t need to be a huge book with appointment slots, but making a list of things that “have to be done” is very beneficial.  This allows us to make the most of our day and feel successful.  An article we read stated if you start the day out by making your bed your day will start our filling accomplished!  Something as easy as that can start you off on the right track.  BRILLIANT!

Galveston, TX, October 10, 2008 -- Insulated food storage containers called "Cambros" are lined up for loading onto Red Cross and Salvation Army vans, which will distribute them throughout Galveston. Over 30,000 meals are delivered daily. FEMA photo by Greg Henshall

ACCESSIBLE STORAGE:  If you live in our home you know what has been happening the last couple of days… Taking down holiday decor and getting the house “back to normal.” Adequate and accessible storage is VITAL for putting the decorations away and keeping them nice for the next year.  Not to mention, when Christmas 2017 comes around the corner you will be glad you took the time to make sure it was stored suitably.

HiCaliber has built storage solutions for residents in the pasts.  If your garage is lacking space, give us a call and we can give you some suggestions.

If you or family members were given clothing for gifts, this is the time to go through the clothes that A. are never worn or B. are too small.  Again… donate them to someone who could use them.  That space is prime real estate.  Less clothing in drawers makes it easier to find the outfit of choice; AND less laundry! YAY!






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