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1270 South 1900 East Washington, UT 84780

1270 South 1900 East
UT 84780

Window Repair In Saint George

Rocks and debris that are tossed about by the wind in Saint George or even changes in temperatures may have chipped or cracked a window to your home or business. While these may seem small inflictions that aren’t considered major damage, they can spread and develop into larger cracks which creates unstable panes that can pose a safety risk. An accompanying problem that comes from cracks in double pane windows is the loss of argon gas that can lessen or almost eliminate the energy efficiency of your window. This energy cost may be seen as a few dollars more spent a year to much more, depending on the severity of the crack. To have your windows repaired or replaced for these reasons along with aesthetic appeal, contact HiCaliber at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at

Photo: Eric Shmuttenmaer

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